Martha Simo Tumnde

Martha Simo Tumnde, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences and Associate Professor at the University of Buea, Cameroon, previously served as its pioneer Head of Department of Law, and before that, taught law at the University of Yaounde. Her area of specialisation is Commercial/Business law with a strong research interest in comparative law. She has published widely in these fields and has contributed enormously in the promotion of OHADA laws in Common Law jurisdictions. She is a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Cameroon. She earned her LLB from Liverpool, LLM from the University of London and PhD from the University of Sheffield.
Bibliographie aux Presses universitaires d'Afrique
An authoritative introduction to the law relating to the execution of court judgments in the seventeen member States of the Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) A...
23,00 €
CIMA is the central Insurance Supervisory Authority in Sub-Saharan French-speaking Africa. Currently, it comprises 14 Member States: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad,...
50,00 €
André TCHOUPIE, Andrew EWANG SONE, Daniel MBARGA NYATTE, Jacqueline KOM, KEUTCHA TCHAPNGA Célestin, Martha Simo Tumnde, MOYE Godwin BONGYU, Revue Juridis, Revues, Droit
Trimestriel de droit et de sciences poliques fondé en 1989 présentant la législation, la jurisprudence et le droit comparé.
Janvier - Février - Mars 2001
15,00 €