Rabiatou Ibrahim Danpullo
Dr. Rabiatou Ibrahim Danpullo hails from Ndawara in Boyo Division, North West Province. She is a Senior Lecturer in the Departement of Common Law of the University of Yaounde II, Soa, Cameroon. Also, she has published several articles on Family law, Women and Children's Rights in national and international journals.
Bibliographie aux Presses universitaires d'Afrique
The importance of child protection cannot be over - emphasised since every society recognises the wellbeing of children as a catalyst not only for the continuity of the human race but also for any...
16,00 €
Andrew EWANG SONE, C. SIETCHOUA D, Etienne TANEKE, Jacqueline KOM, KEUTCHA TCHAPNGA Célestin, Me Sylvain Souop, Me TAFFOU DJIMOUN, Mme FONE Anne-Marie née MDONTSA, NGUEBOU TOUKAM Josette, Philippe Keubou, Pr Jean Marie TCHAKOUA, Rabiatou Ibrahim Danpullo, Venant TCHOKOMAKOUA, Revue Juridis, Revues, Droit
Trimestriel de droit et de sciences poliques fondé en 1989 présentant la législation, la jurisprudence et le droit comparé.
Juillet - Août - Septembre 2000
15,00 €