Tamajonj Elisabeth Vukeh

Elizabeth Vukeh Tainajong holds a Masters and Ph.D Degrees in Educational Policy and Administration from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, U.S.A.. Presently, she is a Senior Researcher, Acting Director at the National Centre of Education in the Ministry of Scientific and Technical Research and a part-time lecturer in the Department of Science of Education at the University of Yaounde 1. She has to her credit a number of publications both in National and International Journals and membership in outstanding National and International Associations. She is co-author of " CAMEROON WITHOUT CORRUPTION: THE SEARCH FOR A NEW VISION".
Bibliographie aux Presses universitaires d'Afrique
"Secondary School Administration and Principalship" is both a theoretical and practical approach to educational administration in Cameroon. The authors have been urged by the success of the first...
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